

  • Co-founding and growing Mobisol from a team of 5 German engineers in a co-working space to a company with 1000+ employees selling hundreds of thousands of PV solar systems in Tanzania, Rwanda and Kenya. And then (almost) going bankrupt again. Mobisol’s Hard-learned lessons 2011-2018
  • Co-creating UNLOCK, Wikimedia Deutschland’s accelerator program What makes UNLOCK unique 2019-2021
  • Co-founding Lovolab, a collective of likeminded researchers, managers and designers working on projects for a more equal and sustainable future. 2021 – today

Consulting + Coaching

  • Facilitator of our discover-complexity workshop format with a team of SPACE 10 2021
  • Designer and Facilitator of a 6-week Design Sprint titled “Diversity im Unternehmen” gsub 2021
  • Lead coach for the 3-week summer school climate-KIC The Journey
  • Coach project strategy & team development with Follow the Vote 2021
  • Trained coordinators of the EU program EIP-Agri how to run effective team retrospectives 2022
  • Facilitator of yearly strategy conventions at Bündnis Freie Bildung, Conpolicy und gsub.
  • Design Thinking coach at HPI Academy for numerous executive workshops 2012-2022
  • Moderation Ideenkonferenz der TU Berlin Dialog-Platform 2018 & 2020
  • Advisor open-source-based product-service bundles and business models opin.me 2017
  • Advisor fair & sustainable business models in the art sector flaneur magazine 2017
  • Instructor Using Design Thinking to uncover a problem that is worth solving YouLead Summit 2017
  • Plus a few hidden behind non-disclosure agreements


  • Artikel mit konkreten Hinweisen um das Beste aus virtuellen Meetings herauszuholen bpb 2021
  • Article on how to make virtual meetings more engaging for UNLOCK 2021
  • Visual poesy for romka magazine 2015
  • Research article on how to design for multilingual user groups Human Factors in Computing Systems 2014
  • Research article on issues of microfinance in the off-grid energy sector UMM Thematic Paper 2013
  • Academic paper summarizing my field research on bad-quality solar installations in Tanzania MPDES Conference 2011



  • Über the interplay of service design and business strategy for The Future of Service Design 2020
  • Über threats and opportunities of entrepreneurship and decentralized approaches in the energy sector for the ESMT podcast Campus 10178 2020
  • Über Mobisols Geschäftsmodell und warum Probleme nicht immer mit Technologie gelöst werden sollten für Germanwatch 2018
  • Über the adoption of service design in the Global South for 5by5 2017
  • Über die erste Zeit des Gründens für LaunchX 2022
  • Über die Relevanz von Diversity im Design Thinking für Volkswagen 2017
  • Über Mobisol’s Design Thinking genesis for This is Design Thinking 2015